Dining in Deportation Centre Sjælsmark

You are not allowed to touch or climb the fences in and around the Centre. The Centre is video monitored and the fences are controlled by the staff.
Loitering Outside the Centre
You are not allowed to take stops of longer duration immediately in front of the Centre. You are not allowed to stop without an errand on the areas of the Centre belonging to the authorities, or the area around the Centre belonging to the Danish Armed Forces. All activities outside the Centre must take place in consideration of the neighbours of the Centre, traffic etc.
You are offered dining in the cafeteria three times a day. Dining only takes place at certain times, which are posted in the cafeteria.
You must live in the allocated room. It is up to the staff to decide where you will be living. You must keep you room, your toilet/bathroom and furniture clean and neat, and return it in the same condition as you received it. You are not allowed to drill holes or drive nails in the walls or make any changes in the building construction. You are not allowed, without the permission of the staff, to install any furniture other than what is already in the room, or remove without permission of the staff or destroy the furniture. You are not allowed to cook in your room and you are not allowed to install electrical household appliances in the room, including microwave, hotplates etc. You are allowed smaller appliances in your room such as electric kettle, trimmer capacitor, blow drier, etc.
You are not allowed to have pets in the Centre. You are not allowed to feed cats, birds and other animals on the areas belonging to the Centre.
You are not allowed to make open fire, bonfire etc. inside or outside. Lid candles must be monitored.
Offence Against the House Rules
Offence against the house rules of the Centre can have consequences on conditions of your accommodation, including your living, your access to activities and to receiving visits.